Thursday, 21 November 2013

Santa Claus Parade 2013

Santa Claus Parade 2013

Cranberry Hill Animal Hospital were fortunate enough again this year to put a float in the Kemptville Santa Claus Parade held on November 16th.  The theme this year was "A Child's Dream".  We took first place for the commercial float.  We are fairly confident that was due to having such good children with us - Nathan Beach, Logan Lynn, Heather and Michael Droogh and of course Bentley Schouten (Kelly's grandson).  Of course our wonderful pets also aided in the decision - Kaos, Mayhem, Daisy, Lexi, Squish, Squirt, Kona and Mack.  A great day was had by everyone and as always we were pleased to see the Kemptville community out in force.